Check her out here:
Helpful Tips For Photographing Small Babies
1) Feed the Baby/Change the Baby
-- I would suggest feeding and changing the baby 30 minutes before the session is to start. A full bellied, dry baby typically,is a happy baby. I would also bring a bottle of formula/breast milk to the session. If you are breastfeeding, bring anything you would need to breastfeed the baby, whether in a home, studio, or an outside session like we chose to do. We took a 20 minute break to feed and change Max in-between shots. Talk to you photographer about this if it's going to be a session longer than 30 minutes.
2) Choosing a Location/Type of Session- What kind of session you would like will dictate where the photos will be taken. Your photographer may have suggestions. Always consider the age of your baby and the weather. You don't want an itty-bitty baby outside in high winds, hot heat, or on chilly days.
3)Props- Once you have developed an idea for your session, consider the use of props. Some photographers may have some they like to use. Popular props for small babies are: baskets, holiday themed props (pumpkins, Christmas lights, leaves, birthday cakes, etc..), cute hats/scarves/mittens, muslin blankets, wagons, infant beds, etc...
) Think About the Color Wheel- When choosing outfits, think about the color wheel. Colors opposite each other on the color wheel compliment each other the best.
In family photos, some may choose a color and have the members where a shade of that color. Some choose a pattern. It really depends on the theme you have chosen. If you are going with black and white photography you may want to stick to colors that look great together on the grey scale when placed together. If you are going to be taken photos outside with a lot of greenery, I wouldn't wear a lot of green. I would choose colors that POP against that green tone: Red,Orange, Purple to name a few. Make sure that your little one is warm and comfortable in whatever cute outfit you have chose for them to wear.

5) Keep The Baby Warm- If you are doing an inside shoot, I would suggest having a heating pad, space heater, or hair dryer on hand...or all three:) The heating pad is great to put under blankets, etc that the baby would be placed on...especially if you want some great shots with a naked baby or diaper shots! A hair dryer is great to use also...yes, it's loud, but the noise can actually soothe some babies. If your session is outside, just be smart about the baby's body temperature. Typically, babies are supposed to wear one more layer than what the parent would just remember that when taking the little one into the forest;) I would also suggest bringing baby blankets to wrap the baby up in-between shot set-ups.

6) Look Up Ideas- A lot of photographers will have their shots in mind, but don't hesitate to look up your own ideas as well. Photographers will use other's shots to inspire a shot for your shoot. Most, however, will not copy them exactly. Not only is that difficult to do, it's just not morally okay to copy some one's exact work. Get on Pinterest and find some inspiration!
7)Bring a Favorite Toy- I would suggest bringing a favorite toy or something that the baby connects with. My son was two months old in these shots and he loved the song,"Do You Wanna Build A Snowman," from the movie, Frozen. For some reason, whenever we play that song for him during diaper changes, etc, it would soothe/comfort him. So, if your child has a favorite toy, musical thing, bring it! It will def help, especially if you have the baby in an environment they might not be used to. Babies being photographed in their homes will typically be more calm during the photo shoot.
--tips if you are taking the photos/for photographers
8) Get Low- Get on the ground. If you are taking your own shots or even posing with baby, I suggest getting low, on the babies level. Don't be afraid to get dirty. Babies (that are not newborns), like to be on the ground, back or belly, and explore their world around them. Capture those moments!
9) Timing--timing is everything when taking pictures of wee babies. They aren't newborns anymore, that are 'moldable' into positions and stay there. They are difficult subjects to shoot. These babies have arms and legs flying and can make about 100 facial expressions in 30 seconds! haha! Make sure you have your camera set on a high shutter speed and/or high ISO.
10) Take ALOT of pictures!- For every 30 pictures you take, you may end with one being the perfect shot! Keep shooting--if the baby starts to fuss/cry, (and they will), just keep shooting, because when they stop, it may just be the shot you want!
11) SMILE- Babies around 2 months are beginning to smile back at someone who is smiling at them. As the person taking the photo, smile, make funny noises, anything you can to get that little one to show their cute, gummy smile. My husband and I did this so much during our session, our faces hurt! haha!
12) Catch the Light- I love photographs in natural light, which is one of the reasons why I chose an outdoor session. I chose a time when the sun wouldn't be directly overhead, but still enough light to make Max's skin and eyes shine. The natural light causes the skin to be soft and the eyes to pop! If you are working inside, place the baby near a window with light pouring in.
13) Fill the Frame- I like photos of babies where there isn't a lot of distance between the lens and the baby. I've seen some where babies, are for example, in a basket under a tree 20 ft from the lens. It's hard to tell what the subject of that photo is because of all the 'noisy' background. The shots might be more simple, but I love those photographs of babies.
14) Talk With Your Photographer-- This is sooo important! Communicate with your photographer about what you hope to capture with these pictures. Let them tell the story. They will give you ideas and options, and the session will go much smoother if everyone is on the same page!
Again, THANK YOU, Tiffany Bailey for capturing our sweet family! <3
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